8 Ways You Settle In Your Relationship
Settling in a relationship often happens gradually, without you even realizing it.
Why You Self-Sabotage Relationships and How to Stop
Self-sabotaging a relationship refers to patterns of behavior in which you unconsciously (or sometimes consciously) undermine or harm your own relationship out of fear and insecurity.
Abandonment Issues: Signs, Symptoms, and Ways to Cope
Despite struggling with abandonment issues, you can learn the signs and symptoms and healthy ways to cope.
Beyond Heartbreak: Why Doing a Relationship Inventory Matters Post Breakup
There are many benefits of doing a relationship inventory post break-up that can help you disengage from repetitive unhealthy relationship patterns. Learn how.
The Silent Treatment: Why It Happens and What To Do
The silent treatment is an unhealthy way to communicate. Learn the signs and why people use the silent treatment and what you can do.
From Past to Present: A Deep Dive into Understanding Your Family of Origin
Your family of origin plays a pivotal role in understanding its impact on your emotional development, behavior, and beliefs.
Beyond Distracted: How ADHD Can Affect Your Partner and Your Relationship
There are many ways that ADHD can affect your relationship. However, once identified you and your partner can take the steps to manage your ADHD and improve your relationship.
14 Signs Of An Emotionally Immature Partner
There are several signs of an emotionally immature partner many of which are the of an unhealthy upbringing.
4 Types Of Emotionally Immature Parents
Learn about the four types of emotionally immature parents that directly impact their child’s development and upbringing.
6 Common Struggles of Couples
Read about six common struggles of couples and ways to overcome them and get your relationship back on track.
10 Questions That Help Create a Healthy Relationship
Asking and answering important questions provides a strong foundation for couples to have healthier conversations and improve their communication.
How I Left My Abusive Marriage and Found Myself
I share my personal story on how I left my abusive marriage and experienced personal growth in hopes of helping others.
Dating Advice: 7 Ways to Date More Intentionally
Dating often feels like work, but there are ways to have fun and date with more intention, putting you in a healthy direction.